Winchester Cathedral Review
12 hours ago
Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.
-Leonard Cohen
I have come into this world to experience this:
men so true to love
they would rather die before speaking
an unkind
men so true their lives are His covenant -
the promise of
I have come into this world to see this:
the sword drop from men's hands
even at the height of
their arc of
because we have finally realized
there is just one flesh
we can wound.
Of course I will. How frightening. And are you scared?
Thank you, Ostrich.
I'm scared, but not as scared as I was yesterday when I knew she'd been taken ill but had no other details. I don't really know her all that well, but some people do just shine, and she's one of those.
If her shine starts to fade, then it is up to you to shine for her until she can do it once again for herself. Loving someone means learning their song and singing it back to them when they forget how it goes.
Truly, I only know a few notes of her song. But it's a song of truth and welcome and healing which I will try to sing anyway.
I know some who work with her a little better and possibly the most support I can give is to help them keep their songs going while they carry the tune of hers for a while.
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